Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Just a short note to share a few stories. Last night we found the BBQ dining facility on base. It is literally a giant tent with long tables inside (much like at summer camp) and the DFAC serves all the foods you'd find at a BBQ, hot dogs, hamburgers, BBQ chicken, pasta salad, corn of the cobb. It was a fun change from regular chow. My team leader and I also located where the combat stress dog lives and we intend to visit there really soon! We have also been advised that we are officially moving offices and housing. Our section of the base, Camp Cherry Beasley, is all moving so we are going to get a much more central office location and housing, but unfortunately will not have as much space as we do now. This move will take place very soon. This is somewhat disappointing as we'd had hopes to expand the office if we moved, not shrink it. But we are trying to think positively and rationalize that our new location may get a whole lot more visits...they just won't have as much space to lounge :-(
We want to plan a going away BBQ as a farewell both to the units leaving and to our office. It can be very difficult to order raw meat over here so we are hoping to get a head start on that before we have to move! On a different note, we are all going to take "flightline" training to get a flightline badge which will allow us to attend the Fallen Comrade Ceremonies that take place on the flightline for those who have been recently killed.

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