Ingrid, the team leader and I went to run some errands on the base. Our first stop was the PX (grocery/convience store) where we bought dozens of sandals for the ward hospital patients because that is what they indicated they needed the day before. As we were leaving the PX we ran into Timmy, the yellow lab Combat Stress dog (who's only job is literally to make people happy) and his handler. We got their contact information to hopefully coordinate some events together. From thePX we drove to the hospital ICU to do visits and distribute the sandals AND THEN we discovered that there was a Medivac mission (airlifting wounded soldiers to Germany) leaving in two hours and they were in need of volunteer help so Ingrid and I agreed to do it. We ran to the post office where we had to pick up almost a dozens boxes in comfort care kits, hurried back to the office to store them and then went back to the hospital to get trained in loading and unloading hospital litters with wounded soldiers onto the back of a school bus for transport to the flight line! After the training we had about a half an hour before we started loading the wounded soldiers onto the bus. There were 26 total and one of them was a C-Kat meaning he was so injured he was in a drug induced coma for the flight and he traveled with all his medical equipment, ventihlater etc, loaded onto his litter. It was one of the most incredible things I have ever done in my life. Then we bussed with them to the flight line where we unloaded the patients from the bus and onto a C-17. I tell you, with the mountains and the storms clouds and the fighter jets taking off in the background, loading these wounded soliders onto the plane was just... indescribable.
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