Thursday, 5 September 2013

One more week!

It's finally starting to feel real now that I've shipped home almost all of my personal belongings so my room feels empty and impersonal. We move into the tents on Monday which I confess I am dreading. There's almost no security in the transient tents so theft is rampant and as a day sleeper I'm going to be a gonner with at least 12 roommates, possibly up to 20 coming in and out of the tent all day.

But before that super fun experience we have to get through this weekend which is jam packed as our last weekend in theater! Saturday evening is the Bagram's Got Talent show and we are setting up the Lemonade stand to serve refreshments. Then Sunday morning we've arranged to have a tour of the historic "Russian Tower", one of the last remnants of the Soviety presence in Bagram, Afghanistan. Then Sunday evening the 101 Abn band is actually throwing a farewell party for our team! Should be a really fun night, though I confess I wish it was starting later in the evening... looks like the sleep deprivation is going to start a day early ;-)

I promise photos to come of this weekend and keep your fingers crossed for our replacments who should begin their travel to Afghanistan tomorrow! We expect them sometime on Monday...

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